SGF Day Nursery School
Dear Parents,
COVID 19 guidelines for a sick child to return to school:
If your child exhibits any of the symptoms for COVID-19, you need to test them for COVID. If your child is positive, keep them home from school. If they come to school sick, we will call and have you come pick them up.
These symptoms include:
Fever above 100.0 degrees
Shortness of breath
Muscle or body aches
Sore throat
Congestion or a runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
If your child tests positive, we will need the following for your child to return to school.
1 - Your child must stay out of school for 5-10 days depending on when they test egative.
2 - We will need a copy of a Neg. Covid test. If your child tests negative at day 5, they can return to school.
If your child has a continuing problem that they are under a doctor's care for, such as allergies, please provide me with a doctor note stating the fact that your child suffers from allergies and the kind of allergies they are being treated for.
Please understand that I will require the same documentation for any child. You can be sure that we are doing everything possible to prevent having a case of COVID-19 in our school. I thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, I am more than happy to discuss this further with you.
Thank you so much,
Laura VanGuilder
Director, SGF Day Nursery School